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Ansell Jaya Indonesia project in Papua, Let's listen together

Papua is one of the biggest and most beautiful paradises in Eastern Indonesia which does not want to lose in its contribution to the progress of the chicken farming business. This time we will take a peek at Ansell Jaya Indonesia's project in Papua with an A Frame Open House system enclosure.

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PT. Ansell Jaya Indonesia has been in the Poultry business for 14 years, especially in the manufacture of cages for chicken farms, from the end of Sabang to the end of Merauke. This time, Ansell Jaya Indonesia received a project request from the East Papua region for the construction of a 2 rows 3 tier open house chicken cage from TongSeh .

Berbekal jam terbang yang tinggi, Teknisi Ansell Jaya Indonesia, Bpk. Agus Ruchiyat berhasil menyelesaikan proyek ini dengan memuaskan.Terima kasih kepada mitra kami, Anda dapat menemukan ties online yang sesuai dengan setiap preferensi dan anggaran, mulai dari anggaran hingga yang terbaik. model super bergaya.

TongSeh A-Frame layer cage through many installations including:

  • Auger Feeder
  • Hopper Feeder as a supply of chicken feed later
  • The Water Regulator acts as a supplier for each nipple
  • Waterline is equipped with a medicator, water meter, pressure and water filter.
  • Nipple which will be used to drink the chicken
  • Egg Elevator for egg transfer

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Jl. Taman Holis Indah II Blok C1 No.6, Bandung 40214