Electrical panel is an equipment that controls and distributes power from its source to another equipment.

Electrical panels have a very important role to manage the whole process in poultry farms especially for automatic system and closed house poultry farm system.

Important things to consider in choosing electrical panels:
1. The panel should be neatly arranged for easy reading of every function.
2. The panel set should be easy to learn by the supervisor or farm technician.
3. Good quality components on the electrical panel.
4. The panel must be safe for users.
5. Easy maintenance.

There have been many poultry farm projects whose electrical panels are made by PT Ansell Jaya Indonesia.

PT Ansell Jaya Indonesia has experienced and high quality technicians in drawing, designing, and assembling electrical panel.
We use original and good quality of components, the panel is designed effectively and efficiently to last longer (long durability).

If you are interested in closed house poultry farms and want to discuss further
Please visit our website and drop us a message.


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